So, I've been out west attending weddings, visiting friends in SLC, and spending time with my brothers and their families in Pocatello. I was with Brent Peterson and some of his friends this past weekend in Pleasant Grove, UT. We got on the topic of movie stars or other famous people that each other look like. Here are the two I often get mistaken for ;)

Emily Mortimer...

...and Cynthia Nixon. When I had really short hair a few years ago, I use to get stopped on the street, in the elevator, you name it. But honestly, I don't see it...I think it was only because I had short, red hair like she did!
Who do YOU look like???
I thought that was you in the picture with that hat!! I don't think you look like Cynthia Nixon - it was just the hair. You are MUCH prettier!
I was told I looked like that blonde girl (coutney thorne-smith) from Melrose Place - whatev - it was just my haircut at the time. And before the haggardness of having kids set in!
People always confuse me for Angelina Jolie, only blonde. No, just joking, I never get confused for anyone remotely famous. But, I do thin you look like both your namesakes a lot and they are both beautiful, just like the original.
Ummm - you were in SLC? Hello???? Just kidding - I miss you!
You are right.. you do look like both of those stars. That means you are a hottie:) I want to hear more about your time in Italy...
That first picture of Emily Mortimer really does look like you. Lucky.
I get Tracy Nelson - most famous for Father Dowling Mysteries - all the time. STILL! When did that show go off the air? 1985? Every year or so I get someone who looks at me and kind of stares and I know what's coming. It's very strange. I don't even think I look like her.
I think I look like Jon Heder's twin sister but my sweet husband swears it is not so. (He hopes it is not so.)
Come visit. We'll pretend we're famous together.
"so I've been out west"!!??? what the heck?? where's all the cool stories from Italy that I've been waiting to read about???
Jen I just posted about this exact thing and thought I would tell you, since I pay respect to you and your idea. :)
So awesome to see you last week! :)
Would you believe I've gotten more than one... you look just like Nicholas Cage???
I meet up with some American students in India, and they started calling me Nick, they still call me Nick to this day.
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