Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Embarassment Like No Other...

Warning: This entry may be WAY too much information for you...and if it is, you are hereby sworn to NON-judgement!

Ok, just this past weekend something completely humiliating occurred not only to me, but just hours later to a friend. We laughed so hard about it that we cried! Perhaps you can relate to embarassment of like or similar nature...

So, we all know that the human body is a pretty amazing system of organs. But who knew that it had a mind of its own?...and I'm not talking about that cranial mass that dictates your preference of cereal, tooth paste, or umpteen other things. For whatever reason...and some say it has everything to do with aging, which I refuse to believe ;)...I'm learning that I don't have the control over my body that I used to. Let me illustrate: I'm with a guy one night this weekend and we are leaving my house to walk to his, where we are gathering to play cards. I walk down the steps off my front porch, just a step behind him, and without warning I completely let one...and sadly, a really loud one! I was mortified! and my mind is racing because I have no idea where it came from...girls don't do this! "do I acknowledge what just happened and excuse myself?" "do I blame it on my shoes and say something funny to lighten "the blow"?" "Do I ignore it all together and pretend it didn't happen?" Well, I chose the latter of the three and it didn't seem to phase him, so maybe he didn't hear it. But, really, who couldn't hear it?! SOOO embarassing! What's more is that it reduced me to -10,000 on the dignity scale, and inevitably total loss of sexy points.

So, after a few hours of playing games, one of my girl friends gets up from the table to use the restroom and as she takes her first step, I hear a little squeal. So i think, "must be her shoes", but then a few steps later I hear several more loud noises that are unmistakably....farts, toots, fluffers, whatever you prefer to call those obscene bodily functions! Of course, we all ignore the noises coming from her. What a strange response...my brothers would have been laughing their heads off! The two of us girls walk out that night together and bring up the events of the night. Like I said, we were crying, it was so funny! Seriously though, I thought those types of bodily mishaps only happen to older people! Ahh, the aspects of life that demand humility. I know, TMI!...don't judge!


Merianne said...

That was funny Jen! I'm to the point where I just let them rip and don't blame them on anything anymore.

Ang said...

Jen, you become more like your father every day. Just kidding! I just blame them on having kids. Not that having kids affects that part of your body, but I figure I can blame everything on having kids.

Conservative Futurist said...

Holy crap, Jen... that's hysterical. The guy gets major points for not saying anything... but I guarantee he went home and laughed just as hard as you did! :)

Chris said...

Well Jen,... Maybe to was THAT guy and he is a ventriloquist!

TnD said...

Dave said he all of the sudden feels much more comfortable around you and that you somehow feel very "familiar". Was the friend Maurie, or Alicia? Inquiring minds like mine must know.

Wendy said...

Love it! Jen your teaser made it seem much more TMI than it was so no worries. I mean who doesn't have a 'bottom burp' (as my 3yr old friend puts it) every once in a while!

Charlee said...

hahaha! The same thing happened in Uganda last night - it wasn't me, but one of our older guests let one fly in the other room and the rest of us were completely floored by it! hahaha!

AJP said...

Tears are coming out of my eyes...mostly because I know who the guy is and the friend!